Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 18: Allergic? Cleanse.

Weight: 194

Note that despite some of my cheats, I have not used more sugar for jam. I did a lot of jamming at the start but not much need now. I had another loaf of bread today but I haven't used up much of my flour and don't think I will if I am successful clamming and foraging this weekend.

Last night, after my post, I realized that I was having the same reaction to the snails as I have had with scallops. This was a real bummer because I was hoping the snails would always be a great fall back in terms of protein. They worked well enough, but I think I had my last garden snail ever last night.

So today, on top of the bread, I went to town on several berries. Some I collected a few days ago and refrigerated, the rest I gathered while waiting for my oldest son to finish his midget football practice. Here's the inventory: blackberries, salal berries, oregon grapes, red huckleberries. I also found some burdock and may stir fry that tomorrow night.

Despite an earlier despair about my garden, I think it will carry me. There are lots of tomatoes and carrots left. I ate my second to last cucumber and there are no more hot peppers, but the carrots are starting to become important since they probably have more carbs than I used to assume. They do me well.

Another cheat: I'm drinking one or two cups of coffee a day. No cream or sugar, just looking for the jolt since I am meeting with guests or students for coffee rather than lunches (as used to be my favorite way to meet). There is a Tully's down the road and I plan to meet three students back to back there.

1 comment:

solarblogger said...

I tagged you over at my blog. So go to Daylight ( and get directions.