Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 24: Boring!

Weight: 191.4

Breakfast: vitamins, plums, apples, pears (my wife made a good apple sauce at least, and though different apples would have made a better sauce it was nice variety)
Lunch: plums, plums, apples, plums
Dinner: apples, nasturtiums, one tomato with salt.

Boring I say!  I would like to thank my sons for eating their bacon, potatoes, cheese, and salsa dinner before I got home. But I did smell the bacon upon opening the front door.  At least I see the home stretch, and we will all be going out for Thai food in six days or so.  I also promised a small class that we'd get an English style "big breakfast" next week to celebrate.

Pictured hear is my family waiting for the Kingston ferry.  I hear that there are some great Coho out there.  The season for salmon in the sound is over, but I'll be on the river before this week is out, God willing.

P.S.: Lots of folk around me have been getting sick.  I expected that at least something would screw me up, digestively or otherwise.  Despite being a bit light headed from a lack of protein and fat, I have not (knock on wood) gotten sick off of anything.  I was particularly worried about the shellfish (dangerous even at a restaurant), but the fresh little invertebrates have not come back to bite me... at least not yet.


Chris said...

Man, I miss good Thai. I commend you on your choice of celebratory meal, for what it's worth.

Scott said...

So what happened with the shellfish that you keep referencing? I don't see any entries mentioning mollusks on your blog.

Katie Pond said...

Dr. M! I'm too lazy to search around and see if you have your name up here, so I won't give up your true identity. :) I was facebook stalking, because that is what one does on facebook, and found your blog. Just wanted to say "hey", and that I'm glad it sounds like you're enjoying Washington. I also am in Washington - DC, that is. Grad school's kicking my ass, as it should.

Also, you should know that I blame you/thank you for my inability to give a simple answer when people ask me about my faith. :) I hope your Thai food in a few days is wonderful, as Thai food generally is.